Wednesday 14 September 2011


When meeting with my tutors on Monday, they reminded me that my building should be more open plan with more chance of collaboration and more connection between the partners for this reason. Therefore, I went home and started to rethink my ideas and connections.

I figured out that there were 3 mutual relationships between my partners:

>Engineer & Architect (A can design the building,and during the process ask E for structural and technical advice whereas E can clarify any part of the design with A at any time).

>Accountant & Chef (C provide meals for A and A prepare financial statements for C)

> Photographer & Chef (C provide food for P and P take photos of food forC to promote cafe)

^I also tried to outline how muchspace was needed by each partner in relation to the others. P and C wuld eed the most space, followed by the Arch and then the E and Acc.

^This was another attempt of mine to design the floor plan in more detail and to suit these new requirements too.

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