Thursday 16 June 2011

References to Journals - Area (Milan)

I have referred to the Area (Milan) journal that I have been allocated in a few ways:
  • There was an issue of the area journal which focused on the history of italian architecture. This inspired us to incorporate poles in our design (In Archit's section) which were inspired by Roman pillars, except we decided to give them a modern twist by making each pole a different fluorescent colour. 
  • There was another issue called "simplicity" (Area 106) which inspired me to make my area simple with a few strong features that had an impact being simple, rather than a clutter of features which had too much going on.
  • Similarly there was an issue called "gate" (Area 87) which provoked us to create an overhead shelter form with the texture similar to a metal gate. We also included metal0gate-type textures at the base of the structure. 
  • Another inspiration was issue 85, called "colours" which made us realise the importance of colours in our design and the fact that they make a structure a lot livelier. This reinforced our decision of making the pillars in Archit's area colourful.

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