Saturday 15 October 2011

**Peer reviews - week 2-3**


Vanessa Sze Liu
ID: 5818111

Vanessa's work was about water, fluidity and calmness. Her project was set in a park with a water feature having the fluidity and calmness about it. Her final laser cut model was a very interesting shape with a collection of circles spiralling downwards to create the fluidity idea also linking to interference patterns of waves. I loved the red ribbon she used to connect these shapes as it's texture and colour contrasted with the rest model while reinforcing the fluidity aspect. She gave us good tips on laser cutting - submit the files asap so that you get the cuts on time and think of materials during the decision making process itself.

Tania West
ID: 1850605

Tania's idea of waking up was about the artificial lights of the train she encounters in the mornings. Her laser cut model shows this idea of artificial light through the pattern of cuts on the model. I find it interesting how she designed the triangular shapes thinking about fluidity and the silhouettes of apartments-thins is a very unique idea. Tania's work was thoroughly developed and improved in my opinion and she has thought about each an every part of it. I am inspired by her development and will try to be more critical in my further projects.

Xinran Chen
ID: 2867900

The complexity and visual aesthetics of Xinran's model first caught my eye and I was immediately hooked to her project. The details in her model showed me how diverse and useful the laser cutter can be if correctly used.  Her design was based on light being reassuring, especially at night when darkness dominates. She has intended for her design to be placed outside hall residents' doors to fulfil this purpose, which I think is reasonable. The form of her design is inspired by fire and the welcoming idea once again. Xinran had also advised us to submit our illustrator file at least 2 days before it was due in order to be able to get it back on time.

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